Thursday, December 30, 2010

Website complete....well almost

So my website is done :-) other then some small minor things that I will have to work out. Come check it out. I know I do more then just caricatures but this site is just for that. :-)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Caricature Website and Business Cards

I have been doing a bunch of caricatures lately and I really need to start making more money soon aaaannndd I figured that I should also use my domain name for something.

So here Is my website design for my caricatures that I think I'll be trying to make over Christmas Break. Its pretty simple so I hope It doesn't take much relearning of dreamweaver to get it done. Think the hardest part should be relearning how to place div Tags where I want them....I hope...

It will be a simple 4 page website that contains a home page, Gallery, About (about me and what I do), and a Contact page if a person wishes for me do work for them.

Home Page

Gallery Page

I also design and made some business cards to go along with the site. 

Friday, December 17, 2010

Wet Green Pepper with Pastels

I did this still life study in Drawing class this year. Its a green pepper with water droplets all over it. It was really fun and I felt like I learned a few new things. It looks better In person then in this photograph though. My camera doesn't like me for some reason idk.....anyways its one of the few times I've used pastels.

Im finding that I both like and dislike pastels...Im not sure if Ill continue using them in my work or not yet.


I finally finished this piece that I started earlier this week. It is the first bigger size piece that I've done in a traditional medium. The majority of everything I do that is fantasy/conceptual is on the computer.

I first put the color in then I sprayed it down with a clear concealer and did the line work over again with India Ink  and touched the the white webbing with white paint.

The subject for the piece is Arachne from Greek mythology. In a nut shell its about a woman who ends up in a weaving contest with the goddess Athena and kicks the goddess' butt. In the end the jealous goddess turns her into a spider creature.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Heres another Caricature I did today for a friend who requested one recently.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cleaning Up Clipart

I am going to try and send in some clipart to 
again. I wasn't very lucky the first time when I tried about half a year ago. I was looking at the files I sent last time and couldn't believe how bad they where. Specially this one in particular. 

 believe it are not I spent probably 3-4 hours to make this go from the before to the after......the problem wasn't really the look but the make. This is what the pictures looked like in outline mode in adobe Illustrator. After a few painful hours I had a much cleaner piece of clip art and I had learned a bunch.

To better show how bad the "before" picture would be as a piece of clip art and how hard it would be to work with I tore both of them apart.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

5 drawing study

We were suppose to make 5 drawings of one object for our drawing class. no real specifications just that their had to be 5. I picked a Geode crystal....ended up being more painful then what I thought it would be. by the end I was like whatever I just want to get it over with so I cranked these things out in record time....not my best work by far but itll due for now.

This one was my favorite out of all of is the one that I would keep lol

This was the last one and It suppose to have a different color for each shade of the crystal....I killed it by putting the blue on it and it ended up being one of my least favorite...although on the computer it is probably my favorite just because of the bright colors :-)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Minator doodle

Just feel like doodling tonight plus ive been in this mood for Greek Mythology. So I thought I would attempt a little something off the top my head quick in photoshop. while drawing this Some of the most important words that ive herd this year popped in my head. They where something sorta kinda along these lines. "Its not that you cant draw "it" because you lack the skill but you cant draw it because you don't know what it looks like." So basically i think I need to do some more close studies of things so I know what they really look like and to strengthen my drawings. anyways this is my minator.

Quick digi sketch

quick lava creature that I did tonight. Cant say a really like it...felt that the over all design could of been a lot better but thought id put it up anyways.