Friday, August 27, 2010

Old Work

   So this will probably be the last post in awhile or least a month or more. Mychiel and I are in the middle of moving and I start classes again in 2 days.
   As I was moving stuff out I came across some old art behind a recliner, that I had done last year, some my first year in college in 2005,  and some from way back when I was in 8-9th grade. I apologize for the bad photography I just took some quick pics with my phone before continuing on with my packing. Hope you enjoy them.

Self Portraits I did last Fall semester. Graphite drawing on left and adobe illustrator on the right.

Top is done in color pencil a few years back. Kinda a post apocalyptic theme. Bottom Left Was done last Fall Semester. Short comic drawn then colored in Illustrator. Bottom Right Was a project I had to do for class in 2005. Its done with acrylic paint.

Two top ones are Acrylic Paint Way back in High school and the bottom one was a graphic design project for college in 2005.

Some photos I took for an Intro to photography class I took last Fall semester

Really old drawing from post to early high school.

Another Really old drawing from post to early high school time.  

 Post high school to early high high school. Tons and tons of little details. the photograph really doesn't show it well. Back in the day when I had more patience and just loved all the clutter.


  1. Isn't it interesting to look back at things you did in the past! Always interesting, and one day your children will be fascinated too!!

  2. Fun stuff Micah I marvel at your easy going natural ability!

  3. Do you still have the one that looked like it was filled with stairs going all kinds of ways?
