Friday, September 10, 2010

what you missed while off line

  So I finally have a internet connection once more, which makes me very happy. Ive actually been much more busy then I thought I would be. Lately Ive had this thing about drawing jellyfish. Its all the curves and fluid motion that makes them appealing. That and all the fun colors.
   I also organized all my loose drawing into one large sketch book. So this is all I have for now, please enjoy the drawings. :-)

So I felt like drawing something one night. Anything at all it just had to be something fun and quick, Not taking up much time or becoming a large multi-day project. So I grabbed some markers and this is what came out. Not what I expected or was shooting for at first but it was pretty fun just drawing some randomness.

This was the next thing I did lately while the net was down. This is only two pages out of 37 at the moment in a sketchbook in which I taped all my loose sketches into. I noticed that whenever I showed my drawings to people they never looked through the stack of drawings laying all about but instead just the ones organized into pages. Now people will be able to see all those sketches that do not have a sketchbook to call their own and that they have missed.

While putting together all my loose sketches I came across this old doodle that I did with some paint. Its only about 3 inches by 5 give or take but I really liked it, looking back on it. So I decided that I would maybe try and make a larger scale painting of these jellyfish sometime, same style and everything.

Thinking of doing a painting of Jellyfish, I started to make a few fun sketches.  I really started to enjoy all the curves I could make while designing these jellyfish. Once Color came into the picture I was hooked. I think jellyfish are my new favorite thing to draw. Earlier today Mychiel (my wife) had to pry me from the TVs at Best Buy because they where showing some diving with jellyfish lol. They really are fun to watch move.

Yesterday while waiting for my evening drawing class to start I didn't feel like doing any homework so I pulled out a large piece of paper and started to draw a large jellyfish much like one in my sketchbook. This is as far as I have gotten so far with it. I am Dying to color it in now and maybe draw another one slightly further back but unfortunately I probably wont be able to work again on it till next Tuesday. I have Drill for National Guard starting tomorrow and come Sunday when I get back Ill be rushing to get all that homework done that is due Monday, that I didn't do earlier because I was drawing jellyfish lol. When I get it done I will post it.

That is the majority of things that I have been up to lately. Once school starts rolling I will Have some School Projects to start posting. As far as any plans in the wood works I will be working on.....I have tons, as well as a few Business projects that Will need my attention. One being the following up of my Purple Sharks for the Womens Rugby team, Two some graphic novel like illustration for a short story, and three getting my dad his business cards I made for him.  One of my top personal projects will be to get a website and business cards made up for myself so I can hopefully start getting some more jobs. Anyways its really late and I have to get to drill tomorrow. Until next time later everyone.
O and here is my dads Business card I made him. Im hoping it'll look pretty snazy once printed out.

1 comment:

  1. Fun watching the Jelli fish progress,"Its all good" god I hate that saying,"what ever... your on the road to big things!
