Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lucky the Rocket man

So I started this doodle about 2 hours ago and its a little past midnight and I have work in about 6 :-( really wish I was doing this for a living already. Its hard for me to put a drawing down once I start it. Anyways here Is Lucky. He is an English/Irish soldier of some sort who has a rocket launcher and is missing a hand. Just a quick simple concept. Funny to think I started to draw a crazy naked mole rat but it ended up being this lol. still not sure if thats a bad thing or good......o well naked mole rat another night i guess...anyways hope you like it. I need sleep now, goodnight everyone.

Yet another digital art piece from Photoshop. Im trying to do more concept art...Hopefully sometime in the future soon Ill work more on some digital art techniques so I can get a lot of fun diverse pieces.

1 comment:

  1. Ya he was worth staying up for! I like the hand not showing,reminds me of my jacket.
