Tuesday, November 16, 2010


As my wife and I sat at the laundry matt tonight I thought it would be a good time to work a little on the character design for a graphic novel that has been bouncing around my head. His name is Finnegan. (mostly because thats where he was thought up by my wife and a friend and I late one night drinking coffee). He is a tall middle aged Irish Cook aboard a zeppelin know as the Valkyrie. He may be big but he has a big heart. Also Finnegan is missing an arm but has multiple attachments that he uses. With some Attachments there is an Adapter that allows Finnegan to connect to the piece of equipment, enabling him to use it as though it was a natural limb on his body. This Adapter was invented by Walter, another character in this story.  It converts the energy from the body into energy that can power the equipment.

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