Thursday, October 21, 2010

Graphic Novel Character

So my wife and a friend and I have been toying around with an Idea for a graphic novel. Nothing to series yet but we have 7 of the characters we want down and I have been doodling now and then to give them a face. I should maybe be working more on it then I have been because some of my professors think I need a Project that will take awhile to help push myself in the direction I want to go "art career wise". We dont have much story line down really but we have a vague idea. Its a Steampunk story :-)  Anyways here is a photoshop painting of one of the main characters. Its nothing like I want the graphic novel to be as far as style but it kinda gives a rough idea of this person.

Her name is Teckla and she is in her early 20s. Totes around two large pistols and wears fiery red. Over all dress design still has a long ways to go same with face jewelry and weapons....but its blocked in already with all the basic ideas for the most part.

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