Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Another crack at making Stock Clip art for Online sale site

So I haven't been able to do much lately do to the new addition to the family and the search for another job sorry..... Im afraid I still havent made it as an artist either....one day hopefully I will though....What I have been able to do lately though Is one: slowly try to catch up on my daily drawings and Two: retry entering stock art at Istockphoto. Sad to say though I was rejected for a third time....BUT!!! it was not due to art subject but by the cleanliness of its build....so After tweaking even more I am ready to resubmit again.....in 14 days unfortunately....due to the site rules....lol but here is the pieces that I have made for my entry. This is about all Ive been up to lately... Hopefully Ill have more sometime. Still working on getting the funds to buy the software to record me drawing too.

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