Friday, February 11, 2011


I know I havent posted much lately but hopefully Ill start posting some more stuff here. I've been busy with school and everything else. Anyways though I finally got my student edition of Adobe Creative Suite 5 (design premium)   :-) makes me very happy. CS5 has a loooooott of new tools that I've been dieing to have and use. If you ever get the chance to upgrade Id say it worth it.  O and another thing I started another blogg....yes I know what your thinking...."why another blog if you cant keep up with this one half the time" well this other blogg is a daily doodle blog so I am posting a daily draw of a scene or scenario that a friend of mine comes up with. Its been pretty fun and some good things have come out of it so far. Here it is you should go check it out :-)

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