Sunday, February 13, 2011

More books :-)

Went to drill this weekend and got a new sketchbook which can be seen in the center :-) aaannnddd went to Barnes and Nobles and found these awsome books...These two books are all the storys about 1000 pages a piece and only 20$!!! I had a hard time picking too because not only did they have these two but they had Arabian Nights, Alice and Wonder land, Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Sherlock Homes, The Grim Tales, and a handful of other great series. All Hard Back with amazing covers and all only 20 bucks a piece....So if you ever need an idea of what to get me for a present any of these would be awesome. *wink wink* lol

Friday, February 11, 2011

Work Area

I rearranged my work area and took some picks and put them together. I like the layout of the room better now :-) need more shelves for my work space though :-( need more time to read my books


Portfolio class

Im taking a digital portfolio class this semester and the first thing we did was a wild card project where we basically just got to pick what we wanted to do and work on it with the intent that it had to be good enough to go in our portfolio. I did this kinda retro Ghostbusters poster. I want to get it screen printed on some thick heavy grained paper but it due next week and the screen printer hasnt gotten back to me yet so Ill probably have to get it printed and then get it screen printed before the end of the semester when we have the portfolio revue.


I know I havent posted much lately but hopefully Ill start posting some more stuff here. I've been busy with school and everything else. Anyways though I finally got my student edition of Adobe Creative Suite 5 (design premium)   :-) makes me very happy. CS5 has a loooooott of new tools that I've been dieing to have and use. If you ever get the chance to upgrade Id say it worth it.  O and another thing I started another blogg....yes I know what your thinking...."why another blog if you cant keep up with this one half the time" well this other blogg is a daily doodle blog so I am posting a daily draw of a scene or scenario that a friend of mine comes up with. Its been pretty fun and some good things have come out of it so far. Here it is you should go check it out :-)