Thursday, August 9, 2012

Havent posted anything in a loooooong time and I have plans to consolidate all my blogs into one but here is something I did today. A small study. trying a few different styles of drawing this giraffe head that I pulled off a google.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Internship project piece

This semester I have been doing my internship as well as going to classes. I am lucky enough to get a chance to internship with a local graphic designer by the name of Derrick Mitchell of  Up above is a digital painting I did in photoshop that was later used in the making of a web banner for one of Derricks clients. :-) The finished banner can currently be seen at 

Grumpas Zombie Flavoring

So I have been working on one of my first client web sites lately and think I am almost done with it. If your looking for some flavoring additive that goes well in almost everything I would suggest checking the site out. I have used it in my coffee and soda and will be trying it on my ice cream next :-). So go check it out and get yourself a box or two.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Animation Class

So this is the last semester before I get my Associates degree in graphic design and one of the classes I have to take is an animation class learning Maya. I find it pretty interesting and would love to get into it more but at the moment I can't afford to get too dragged into another new program. I am posting one of my class assignments. We had to learn about setting objects to a motion path and setting the speed and tilt of objects during the animation, etc... I know this isn't a smooth animation or awesome graphics by any means but I wanted to put it up just because I haven't posted anything for awhile and because I'm glad I finally got it to sorta kinda work :-)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Quick still life contour line drawing

Did a bunch of my daily illustration tonight but I wanted to do a quick observational sketch. Pulled this picture of a wrench off line and drew it quick before calling it a night.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

End of my Digital Darkroom Class

It is the end of the semester and I wanted to share what I did in my Digital Darkroom class. I am by no means a photographer but this class was pretty fun and gave me a chance to learn Adobe Lightroom. I would have been able to get some better pictures if I had a better camera and not such a hectic schedule but these are what I could come up with, with what I have. Hope you enjoy it :-)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Another Repeat Pattern Swatch

I've been pretty busy lately and haven't had much time to do much of anything extra. For awhile now I have really been wanting to make another repeat pattern swatch in illustrator. I didn't know what kinda pattern I'd make though. But while in my tired and delirious state of mind tonight my new child was babbling and making faces at me and an idea for a new repeat pattern came to me. So I decided I would make this design before going to bed. Hope you like it.

A repeat pattern swatch is basically a pattern that repeats seamlessly with itself and can be used as a fill color.  They are really fun to make. Ill probably make a bunch more in the future. 

My first repeat pattern I posted earlier this year.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The new Sketchy Pencil website

So I remade my sketchypencil website. Was pretty excited about getting it up, although it does have some kinks yet to work out such as the email form not working yet. It feels like a big improvement from the old site. Right now I am looking for input on it, critiques, pointers, or just things to bring to my attention. So feel free to stop by and check it out.

It can be found at

Monday, October 31, 2011

Current project

So I had this drawing kinda sorta ruffed out on my table for almost the last half a year and the other night I just decided to pick it up again. Was in the mood to just zone out, listen to music and have fun. Before I knew it it was 3 in the morning. Now hopefully it wont sit there for another half a year before I figure out how Im going to finish it. No real title on it just something I was doing for fun.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sketch Up

I seen some really cool things done with Sketch Up so I've been playing with it a little bit now and again. The main reason that I am interested in it though is for digital painting. You can use it by making rough models and then moving the camera in any angle you want then save it as a image that you can bring into say photoshop where you can paint over top of it. Or just use it as a cool reference for all those hard angles that might be giving me a tough time imagining how they look. heres a building I made

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Deviantart Account

So I haven't been getting my artistic groove on to much lately due to a hectic schedule in life ATM but the other day I did put a bunch of my Daily doodles from my other blog up on my Deviantart account and have been getting quite a few people checking them out. So if your interested in checking out my Deviantart account you can find it at

Im looking forward to getting this school year over with and hopefully somehow start consolidating some of my time so I can start working on really growing and developing my art skills as well as trying out a few projects that I have been wanting to do for some time now.

 In other news though I did find a new website that is awesome and if your interested in Digital Painting I would highly recommend checking it out. You can find the site here

Also one of the artist that I have been following lately is
Noah Bradley, Very cool landscapes jealous of his mad skills so go check him out to if you have some time. Hes at.

Till next time...


Friday, September 2, 2011

Making Thumbnails

Been learning the power of actions and making thumbnails and a thumbnail library. Did these this morning and was pretty pleased with myself. felt like I came up with some good concepts.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Recent Events

Been pretty crazy here lately with my wife and I having our new baby, getting ready for school to start up again, and Guards Drill stuff. So my drawing has kinda taken a little dip at the moment. Not much new other then Ive been playing a little bit with making repeating pattern swatches in Adobe illustrator. This is one is the first one that ive completed so far. Think ill make some more before moving on to something else.