Thursday, August 9, 2012

Havent posted anything in a loooooong time and I have plans to consolidate all my blogs into one but here is something I did today. A small study. trying a few different styles of drawing this giraffe head that I pulled off a google.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Internship project piece

This semester I have been doing my internship as well as going to classes. I am lucky enough to get a chance to internship with a local graphic designer by the name of Derrick Mitchell of  Up above is a digital painting I did in photoshop that was later used in the making of a web banner for one of Derricks clients. :-) The finished banner can currently be seen at 

Grumpas Zombie Flavoring

So I have been working on one of my first client web sites lately and think I am almost done with it. If your looking for some flavoring additive that goes well in almost everything I would suggest checking the site out. I have used it in my coffee and soda and will be trying it on my ice cream next :-). So go check it out and get yourself a box or two.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Animation Class

So this is the last semester before I get my Associates degree in graphic design and one of the classes I have to take is an animation class learning Maya. I find it pretty interesting and would love to get into it more but at the moment I can't afford to get too dragged into another new program. I am posting one of my class assignments. We had to learn about setting objects to a motion path and setting the speed and tilt of objects during the animation, etc... I know this isn't a smooth animation or awesome graphics by any means but I wanted to put it up just because I haven't posted anything for awhile and because I'm glad I finally got it to sorta kinda work :-)