Monday, March 21, 2011

first attempt at homemade screen printing.....

so I uploaded the digital version earlier this semester but the last few days I have been making paper cuts of the different colors so that I could make then I "screen printed" it on the paper......this probably wont be the last one....Think I might try different colors...and go the extra mile and make my own paper for the final one that is suppose to go into my portfolio....O ya for the black line I cheated....I threw it through the printer once I had painted the colored layers and had let them dry.... :-)

The Stencils

Finished...well still needs some tweeks before the last one

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Flash Banner Advertisement

Here is the Flash Banner I made for our first project in my Flash Class.  Didnt really know the best way to upload it to show I exported it as an Animated GIF You have to click on it to see the animation....

Click picture to see animation....

New Business Cards for My Graphic Design and Illustrations

Finding it hard to come up with the colors I want but I'm becoming fond of these ones. This card will need some tweaks but for the most part this is it. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

winter in eastern montana

My wife and I are visiting family in eastern Montana....If you haven't been there before let me tell you that it is very cold in winter....and its very has gotten down to -70 degrees at my parents farm with the wind chill in past winters. I decided to get the cam out and take a few 180 degree shots and shop them a little to give you an idea of the beauty and the coldness of eastern Montana's winters.

View from my parents mail box

View on top of Fort Peck Dam looking out over the frozen Lake

View of Fort Peck's Spillway